issued an injunction to prevent B.H. police from interfering with the display in the art store window.....Three officials of the risque magazine, MODERN MAN, were fined $50 each in Chicago for desecration of the flag by publishing a photo of a nude partially flagdraped. They were found not guilty of selling obscene literature. They argued that their nude photos were comparable to those painted by old masters, and would not disturb normal minds.......



Alan Canty, director of Detroit's recorder-court psychiatric clinic says only well-adjusted applicants should be selected for police jobs, since some become policemen to act out aggressions, or to use job as outlet for hostility against society...... Bishop Sheen in his newspaper column recently criticized those who are calling for expanded mental health facilities, said that tensions are a normal part of living, emotional disturbance not necessarily a sign of mental disease.....George Washington University's Dr. Dora Nicholson demonstrated that alcohol-consuming guinea pigs produced about 90% abnormal births, backing up her theory that abnormalities are most frequent in humans at the extremities of the social scale, where heavy drinking is most common.... Judge Lewis Drucker, locally recently told State Bar that too many sex offenders are being released by mental hospitals without any safeguards as to their future actions. He said they should be sent to prison so they would be under probationary authority when they came out.....Auxiliary Bishop Marling (R.C.) of Kansas City recently

emphasized (in AMER. ECCLESIASTICAL REVIEW) the Church's need of psychiatrists' scientific knowledge particularly in analysis of such matters as mystical phenomena, priestly vocation, sexual aberrations, the validity of marriage contract assent, & neurotic motivations in the history of many saints.....



Peter Wildeblood's second book, A WAY OF LIFE (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 18s) sketches of life in the homosexual underworld and an appeal for understanding.

Rupert Croft-Cooke's TANGERINE HOUSE, humorous sketch of new home he's made for self (after imprisonment on homosexual charge) in Spanish villa in Tangier. Macmillan, London, 21s.

The AMERICAN SEX REVOLUTION, a blast of hot air from Harvard Sociologist Pitirim Sorokin, who has stirred up dust with his contention America is going sex mad and heading for destruction.

THE FIELD OF VISION, Wright Morris, 251 pp, Harcourt Brace, $3.50, another novel with one invert (this time, a transvestite) as one of several oddly mixed characters, each finding his "moment of truth" at a bullfight.

DEATH IN ROME, Wolfgang Koeppen, Widenfeld & Nicolsen, an esoteric impressionistic novel of guiltridden but unrepentant Nazis in postwar Rome (one a homosexual composer) 13s 5d.


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